Although the numbers are down, the trout remaining in our local waterways are in tip top condition and have taken to ‘Hopper Season’ with gusto.
Lately the grasshoppers have been abundant and the fish have been willing to take just about any style of medium-sized grasshopper fly to go over their heads.
Keen youngsters Finn and Oscar were out and about recently and experienced some excellent fishing and saw some very large fish feeding in the edges of the river. It’s exciting stuff, even though we got unlucky with hooking and netting the bigger ones.
There have been some excellent catches from the Tumut River to the High Country. Don’t be fooled though, it’s not easy, but the reward can be great.
Take your time, look closely with polarized glasses and you will likely find a good few fish if you’re prepared to hunt.
And remember to be safe, it’s hot and there are also snakes about.
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